Saturday, May 2, 2009


I am home. I arrived almost two weeks ago, and finally feel totally in this time zone. 
It takes me a while to find my feet again after travel,  to readjust to time zones. 

I have been hanging out with my family, seeing friends, and catching up with my clients. I have had two conversations with midwives planning trips to Bali to volunteer at the clinic. 

I have attended two births of fabulous women, strong, beautiful, fierce women. 

Next week I have a root canal scheduled, and I hope to get to work in my garden. It is an overgrown mess. 

So am I a changed woman?
Have my views on life or birth changed?

Will my practices change?

I don't know.

I am still a bit numb from the experience, still processing all I saw and did. I do know that I would like to  delay clamping and cutting the cord more often than I did before I left.

I do know that I have more faith that even slow slope second stages resolve well, if mom and baby are fine. 

I know that I am privileged, and that our flawed frustrating medical system is pretty damn good. 

I will know more later after I sit in a few more births, and hang out with my family some more. 
