Friday, April 3, 2009


Yesterday was a big day around here. Meghan my daughter is here and she and I and Abong, a friend I have made here went touring around the area.

We went to temples, to a market and sat out a rainstorm drinking tea at a Warung, saw misty, foggy lakes, and walked down to a twin waterfall. 

We walked and talked and stopped by the side of the road for fruit, Meghan tried Durian and did not like it at all. 

I have pictures of our adventures that I will publish when I upload them to the computer. 

It is great to have her here sharing my adventure, and when I return home I will have someone to say, "remember" to.

It was also a great day for another reason. When we arrived back in our village, I went to check in with the clinic and to say hello to a mother whose labor I had attended the day before. She had a challenging labor and early postpartum. She was having a VBAC and really had to work hard to push her baby out. 

When I saw her she thanked me and gave me a big hug. I asked the babies name and she told me Made, which is a common name, and that she wanted to also name the baby callista and would I help to name the baby as well. Would I give the baby a name

So now there is a baby, Made Meghan Callista in Bali.

it was a great day


  1. The Indonesia travel destination is Bali where you may find something unique and may not be found somewhere else. Various types of Bali accommodation, Bali Villas and hotels in Bali are available throughout the island.

  2. I'm so glad Meghan was able to come out and visit you!
