Friday, March 13, 2009

Hi everyone

I am sitting in the office at the clinic. Had a very busy day today. At least three babies born today, and I assisted with one. It was amazing and a bit overwhelming. It was a waterbirth. We had slow shoulders, and that is always a high energy event. Baby came out and is fine. 

We also had a cleansing ceremony today at the clinic, and the whole community is getting ready for another big ceremony so all of the neighborhood women are dressed in temple clothes. 

We had several visitors who decided to drop in to see what we are all about.

There are so many people here all of the time I become overwhelmed with the number of people I interact with everyday. I live with 4 women so there is that as well. 

I have had fun though, getting a massage in Ubud our nearest city and also doing some shopping, It is an artists  culture here and I am enjoying all of the sites. I will post pictures tomorrow. 

bye for now


1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I am also very interested in Bali birth practise! Could you writte me some contact where you been?
    Thank you a lot, Tita
